Class Files

  extended by
      extended by

public class Files
extends Streams

A collection of methods for manipualting Files.

$Revision: 1.6 $
Stephen Battey

Nested Class Summary
static class Files.NewFileNameModel
Field Summary
private static String DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR
          The character used to separate folder paths in the classpath.
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
protected Files()
          Suppresses default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.
Method Summary
static File copyFile(File original, File destination)
          Copy a file to a given folder or file location.
static File copyFile(File original, File destination, int bufferSize)
          Copy a file to a given folder or file location.
static File copyFile(File original, File destinationFolder, String fileName)
          Copy a file to a folder, giving the copy a new name.
static File copyFile(File original, File destinationFolder, String fileName, int bufferSize)
          Copy a file to a folder, giving the copy a new name.
static boolean copyFolder(File original, File destination)
          Copy a folder, and all its contents, to another location.
static boolean copyFolder(File original, File destination, FileFilter filter)
          Copy a folder, and all its contents, to another location.
static boolean copyFolder(File original, File destination, FilenameFilter filter)
          Copy a folder, and all its contents, to another location.
static boolean copyFolderContents(File original, File destination)
          Copy the contents of a folder to another location.
static boolean copyFolderContents(File original, File destination, FileFilter filter)
          Copy the contents of a folder to another location.
static boolean copyFolderContents(File original, File destination, FilenameFilter filter)
          Copy the contents of a folder to another location.
static File createNewFile(File folder, String preferredFileName)
          Create a new, blank file in the given folder.
static File createNewFile(String fileName, File folder)
          Create a new, blank file with a given name.
static List createPatch(File currentFolder, boolean recursive, File oldFolder, File destFolder)
          Create a patch for an old set of files.
static List createPatch(File currentFolder, boolean recursive, File oldFolder, File destFolder, boolean patchModifiedFiles)
          Create a patch for an old set of files.
static List createPatch(File currentFolder, boolean recursive, File oldFolder, File destFolder, boolean patchModifiedFiles, Comparator fileComparator)
          Create a patch for an old set of files.
static List createPatch(File currentFolder, File oldFolder, File destFolder)
          Create a patch for an old set of files.
static List createPatch(File currentFolder, File oldFolder, File destFolder, boolean patchModifiedFiles)
          Create a patch for an old set of files.
static boolean deleteFolder(File folder)
          Delete a folder and all files and sub-folders.
static File findFile(String fileName)
          Find a file with the given name, located somewhere on the classpath.
static boolean isDescendant(File folder, File suspectedChild)
          Checks if the suspectedChild file (or folder) is contained within the specified folder or one of its sub-folders.
static boolean isDuplicate(File file, File compare)
          Checks if one file is a duplicate of another.
static List listFiles(File folder, Comparator comparator)
          Get a sorted list of files for a given directory.
static List listFiles(File folder, FileFilter filter, Comparator comparator)
          Get a filtered, sorted list of files for a given directory.
static List listFiles(File folder, FilenameFilter filter, Comparator comparator)
          Get a filtered, sorted list of files for a given directory.
static List sortFiles(File[] files, Comparator comparator)
          Convert an array of Files to a sorted List.
Methods inherited from class
close, close, compare, compare, pipe, pipe
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final String DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR
The character used to separate folder paths in the classpath.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected Files()
Suppresses default constructor, ensuring non-instantiability.

Method Detail


public static File findFile(String fileName)
                     throws FileNotFoundException
Find a file with the given name, located somewhere on the classpath.
Each folder defined on the Java classpath will be searched. If the file does not exist in any of those folders an exception will be thrown.

fileName - the name of the file
a File with the given name, located somewhere on the classpath, the object is guaranteed to be non-null and the file is guaranteed to exist
FileNotFoundException - if the file could not be found on the classpath


public static boolean isDuplicate(File file,
                                  File compare)
                           throws IOException
Checks if one file is a duplicate of another.

file - file to test
compare - second file to compare the file to
true if the two files are the same
IOException - error reading content of the two files being compared


public static boolean isDescendant(File folder,
                                   File suspectedChild)
Checks if the suspectedChild file (or folder) is contained within the specified folder or one of its sub-folders.
NB: this methods explicitly checks for descendants - if the two files are the same then this method returns false (not a descendant).

folder - the folder that could be the parent or grand-parent
suspectedChild - the file or folder that is suspected to be a descendant
boolean true if the suspectedChild is a descendant of the folder


public static File createNewFile(File folder,
                                 String preferredFileName)
                          throws IOException
Create a new, blank file in the given folder.
The file created is guaranteed not to overwrite any existing file and be located in the specified folder. The file will have a name based on the preferredFileName. If a file with the preferred name already exists then a numeric suffix will be added (e.g. ./filename_2.dat).

folder - the directory where the new file is to be created
preferredFileName - the desired name of the file
a File reference to a new file in the given folder
IOException - error creating the new file
SecurityException - access to write the file was denied by the system security manager


public static File createNewFile(String fileName,
                                 File folder)
                          throws IOException
Create a new, blank file with a given name.
The file created is guaranteed not to overwrite any existing file and have the specified fileName. The file will be placed within folder, either directly in that folder or in a sub-folder. If a file with the preferred name already exists then a sub-folder will be created with a numeric suffix (e.g. ./filename_2/filename_2.dat).

fileName - the name of the new file
folder - the desired directory where the new file is to be created
a File reference to a new file in the given folder
IOException - error creating the new file
SecurityException - access to write the file was denied by the system security manager


public static List sortFiles(File[] files,
                             Comparator comparator)
Convert an array of Files to a sorted List.
The files are ordered using a Comparator.

files - an array of File
comparator - the Comparator used to sort the files
a List of sorted Files
ClassCastException - the specified comparator was not compatible with File objects
UnsupportedOperationException - the generated List did not support a sort operation
See Also:


public static List listFiles(File folder,
                             Comparator comparator)
Get a sorted list of files for a given directory.
The list returned will contain all files in the specified folder and will be sorted in the order defined by the comparator.

folder - the folder whose contents are to be listed
comparator - a Comparator that will sort the files
a sorted List of Files
SecurityException - read access to the folder was denied
ClassCastException - the specified comparator was not compatible with File objects
UnsupportedOperationException - the generated List did not support a sort operation
See Also:


public static List listFiles(File folder,
                             FilenameFilter filter,
                             Comparator comparator)
Get a filtered, sorted list of files for a given directory.
The list returned will contain files in the specified folder which are accepted by the filter, and are sorted in the order defined by the comparator.

folder - the folder whose contents are to be listed
filter - a filter that determines which files are added to the list
comparator - a Comparator that will sort the files
a sorted List of Files
SecurityException - read access to the folder was denied
ClassCastException - the specified comparator was not compatible with File objects
UnsupportedOperationException - the generated List did not support a sort operation
See Also:
FilenameFilter, FileComparator


public static List listFiles(File folder,
                             FileFilter filter,
                             Comparator comparator)
Get a filtered, sorted list of files for a given directory.
The list returned will contain files in the specified folder which are accepted by the filter, and are sorted in the order defined by the comparator.

folder - the folder whose contents are to be listed
filter - a filter that determines which files are added to the list
comparator - a Comparator that will sort the files
a sorted List of Files
SecurityException - read access to the folder was denied
ClassCastException - the specified comparator was not compatible with File objects
UnsupportedOperationException - the generated List did not support a sort operation
See Also:
FileFilter, FileComparator


public static File copyFile(File original,
                            File destination,
                            int bufferSize)
                     throws IOException
Copy a file to a given folder or file location.
The destination File can reference either a directory or a file. In the case of a directory, a copy of the original file will be placed in this directory with the same name. If a file is specified, the destination file will be overwritten with the file at the original location.

original - the file to be copied
destination - the destination of the copy - either a file or a directory
bufferSize - the size of the buffer to use when copying the data
the new copy of the original file
SecurityException - error creating a new file
IOException - error copying the content of the file


public static File copyFile(File original,
                            File destination)
                     throws IOException
Copy a file to a given folder or file location.
The destination File can reference either a directory or a file. In the case of a directory, a copy of the original file will be placed in this directory with the same name. If a file is specified, the destination file will be overwritten with the file at the original location.

original - the file to be copied
destination - the destination of the copy - either a file or a directory
the new copy of the original file
SecurityException - error creating a new file
IOException - error copying the content of the file


public static File copyFile(File original,
                            File destinationFolder,
                            String fileName,
                            int bufferSize)
                     throws IOException
Copy a file to a folder, giving the copy a new name.
If a file already exists at the new location, it will be overwritten.

original - the file to be copied
destinationFolder - the folder where the file is to be copied to
fileName - the name of the new copy
bufferSize - the size of the buffer to use when copying the data
the new copy of the original file
SecurityException - error creating a new file
IOException - error copying the content of the file


public static File copyFile(File original,
                            File destinationFolder,
                            String fileName)
                     throws IOException
Copy a file to a folder, giving the copy a new name.
If a file already exists at the new location, it will be overwritten.

original - the file to be copied
destinationFolder - the folder where the file is to be copied to
fileName - the name of the new copy
the new copy of the original file
SecurityException - error creating a new file
IOException - error copying the content of the file


public static boolean copyFolder(File original,
                                 File destination,
                                 FilenameFilter filter)
Copy a folder, and all its contents, to another location.
If the destination folder already contains a folder with the same name as the original then the contents of the original folder will be merged into that folder, overwriting any writable files already in the destination (read-only files will not be overwritten, but will cause this copy to be incomplete, acknowledged by a false return value).
This copy method will recurse through all sub-folders of the original folder. If one file or folder cannot be copied the routine will continue copying the remaining contents.
This method returns true if all files and sub-folders were successfully copied. This method returns false if any file or folder could not be deleted.
• A return value of true indicates the destination folder will be an exact copy of the original. • A return value of false indicates the destination folder may not exist. • In the case of a security exception, there is no guarantee as to which files have been copied, including the root folder.

original - the folder to be copied
destination - the folder where the original folder is to be copied to
filter - a filter used to choose which files to copy
true if the folder and its contents were copied successfully, false otherwise


public static boolean copyFolder(File original,
                                 File destination,
                                 FileFilter filter)
Copy a folder, and all its contents, to another location.
If the destination folder already contains a folder with the same name as the original then the contents of the original folder will be merged into that folder, overwriting any writable files already in the destination (read-only files will not be overwritten, but will cause this copy to be incomplete, acknowledged by a false return value).
This copy method will recurse through all sub-folders of the original folder. If one file or folder cannot be copied the routine will continue copying the remaining contents.
This method returns true if all files and sub-folders were successfully copied. This method returns false if any file or folder could not be deleted.
• A return value of true indicates the destination folder will be an exact copy of the original. • A return value of false indicates the destination folder may not exist. • In the case of a security exception, there is no guarantee as to which files have been copied, including the root folder.

original - the folder to be copied
destination - the folder where the original folder is to be copied to
filter - a filter used to choose which files to copy
true if the folder and its contents were copied successfully, false otherwise


public static boolean copyFolder(File original,
                                 File destination)
Copy a folder, and all its contents, to another location.
If the destination folder already contains a folder with the same name as the original then the contents of the original folder will be merged into that folder, overwriting any writable files already in the destination (read-only files will not be overwritten, but will cause this copy to be incomplete, acknowledged by a false return value).
This copy method will recurse through all sub-folders of the original folder. If one file or folder cannot be copied the routine will continue copying the remaining contents.
This method returns true if all files and sub-folders were successfully copied. This method returns false if any file or folder could not be deleted.
• A return value of true indicates the destination folder will be an exact copy of the original. • A return value of false indicates the destination folder may not exist. • In the case of a security exception, there is no guarantee as to which files have been copied, including the root folder.

original - the folder to be copied
destination - the folder where the original folder is to be copied to
true if the folder and its contents were copied successfully, false otherwise


public static boolean copyFolderContents(File original,
                                         File destination,
                                         FilenameFilter filter)
Copy the contents of a folder to another location.
The contents of the original folder will overwrite any writable files already in the destination (read-only files will not be overwritten, but will cause this copy to be incomplete, acknowledged by a false return value).
This copy method will recurse through all sub-folders of the original folder. If one file or folder cannot be copied the routine will continue copying the remaining contents.
This method returns true if all files and sub-folders were successfully copied. This method returns false if any file or folder could not be deleted.
• A return value of true indicates the destination folder will contain all the files and folder in the original. • A return value of false indicates the destination folder may not contain any of the files or folders from the original. • In the case of a security exception, there is no guarantee as to which files have been copied.

original - the folder whose content is to be copied
destination - the folder where the content is to be copied to
filter - a filter used to choose which files to copy
true if the contents were copied successfully, false otherwise


public static boolean copyFolderContents(File original,
                                         File destination,
                                         FileFilter filter)
Copy the contents of a folder to another location.
The contents of the original folder will overwrite any writable files already in the destination (read-only files will not be overwritten, but will cause this copy to be incomplete, acknowledged by a false return value).
This copy method will recurse through all sub-folders of the original folder. If one file or folder cannot be copied the routine will continue copying the remaining contents.
This method returns true if all files and sub-folders were successfully copied. This method returns false if any file or folder could not be deleted.
• A return value of true indicates the destination folder will contain all the files and folder in the original. • A return value of false indicates the destination folder may not contain any of the files or folders from the original. • In the case of a security exception, there is no guarantee as to which files have been copied.

original - the folder whose content is to be copied
destination - the folder where the content is to be copied to
filter - a filter used to choose which files to copy
true if the contents were copied successfully, false otherwise


public static boolean copyFolderContents(File original,
                                         File destination)
Copy the contents of a folder to another location.
The contents of the original folder will overwrite any writable files already in the destination (read-only files will not be overwritten, but will cause this copy to be incomplete, acknowledged by a false return value).
This copy method will recurse through all sub-folders of the original folder. If one file or folder cannot be copied the routine will continue copying the remaining contents.
This method returns true if all files and sub-folders were successfully copied. This method returns false if any file or folder could not be deleted.
• A return value of true indicates the destination folder will contain all the files and folder in the original. • A return value of false indicates the destination folder may not contain any of the files or folders from the original. • In the case of a security exception, there is no guarantee as to which files have been copied.

original - the folder whose content is to be copied
destination - the folder where the content is to be copied to
true if the contents were copied successfully, false otherwise


public static boolean deleteFolder(File folder)
Delete a folder and all files and sub-folders.
This method returns true if all files and sub-folders were successfully deleted. This method returns false if any file or folder could not be deleted.
• A return value of true indicates the folder will no longer exist. • A return value of false indicates the folder will still exist, however there is no guarantee that any of its files or sub-folders will still exist. • In the case of a security exception, there is no guarantee as to which files have been deleted, including the specified folder.

folder - the folder to be deleted
boolean value indicating whether the delete was totally successful
SecurityException - delete access to the folder was denied by the security manager


public static List createPatch(File currentFolder,
                               File oldFolder,
                               File destFolder)
Create a patch for an old set of files.
This method will compare the content of two folders and deduce which files in the 'current' set of files need to be copied into the 'old' set of files in order to bring the old set of files up-to-date.
No changes will be made to the old set of files, i.e. this method does not perform a patch, it creates a patch by copying the new or modified files into a blank 'destination' folder. The patch is created in such a way that copying the 'destination' folder over the 'old' folder will patch the old set of files and bring them up-to-date with the 'current' set of files.

This method will automatically recurse into sub folders and include modified files in the patch. (The definition of 'modified' being those files whose timestamp is more recent than the old copy of the file).

This method does not throw an I/O exception. If a file cannot be copied for any reason it will be added to a list of failed files. The process then continues until all files have been checked. The list of failed files is then returned. You should check the list is empty to ensure the patch has completed successfully.

currentFolder - the root folder containing the current set of files (latest version)
oldFolder - the root folder containing the old set of files
destFolder - the folder where the patch is to be created (this folder need not exist, it will automatically be created) it is recommended the folder either does not exist or is empty before this method is called
a List of File references to files in the 'current' folder that could not be copied/included in the patch due to an I/O exception - the value is never null - always check the list is empty to ensure the patch was complete


public static List createPatch(File currentFolder,
                               File oldFolder,
                               File destFolder,
                               boolean patchModifiedFiles)
Create a patch for an old set of files.
This method will compare the content of two folders and deduce which files in the 'current' set of files need to be copied into the 'old' set of files in order to bring the old set of files up-to-date.
No changes will be made to the old set of files, i.e. this method does not perform a patch, it creates a patch by copying the new or modified files into a blank 'destination' folder. The patch is created in such a way that copying the 'destination' folder over the 'old' folder will patch the old set of files and bring them up-to-date with the 'current' set of files.

This method will automatically recurse into sub folders. It will only include modified files in the patch if instructed to, by setting the patchModifiedFiles parameter to true. (The definition of 'modified' being those files whose timestamp is more recent than the old copy of the file).

This method does not throw an I/O exception. If a file cannot be copied for any reason it will be added to a list of failed files. The process then continues until all files have been checked. The list of failed files is then returned. You should check the list is empty to ensure the patch has completed successfully.

currentFolder - the root folder containing the current set of files (latest version)
oldFolder - the root folder containing the old set of files
destFolder - the folder where the patch is to be created (this folder need not exist, it will automatically be created) it is recommended the folder either does not exist or is empty before this method is called
patchModifiedFiles - indicates if modified files should be included in the patch
a List of File references to files in the 'current' folder that could not be copied/included in the patch due to an I/O exception - the value is never null - always check the list is empty to ensure the patch was complete


public static List createPatch(File currentFolder,
                               boolean recursive,
                               File oldFolder,
                               File destFolder)
Create a patch for an old set of files.
This method will compare the content of two folders and deduce which files in the 'current' set of files need to be copied into the 'old' set of files in order to bring the old set of files up-to-date.
No changes will be made to the old set of files, i.e. this method does not perform a patch, it creates a patch by copying the new or modified files into a blank 'destination' folder. The patch is created in such a way that copying the 'destination' folder over the 'old' folder will patch the old set of files and bring them up-to-date with the 'current' set of files.

This method will only recurse into sub folders if instructed to, by setting the recursive parameter to true. It will automatically include modified files in the patch. (The definition of 'modified' being those files whose timestamp is more recent than the old copy of the file).

This method does not throw an I/O exception. If a file cannot be copied for any reason it will be added to a list of failed files. The process then continues until all files have been checked. The list of failed files is then returned. You should check the list is empty to ensure the patch has completed successfully.

currentFolder - the root folder containing the current set of files (latest version)
recursive - indicates if the patch should include sub-folders
oldFolder - the root folder containing the old set of files
destFolder - the folder where the patch is to be created (this folder need not exist, it will automatically be created) it is recommended the folder either does not exist or is empty before this method is called
a List of File references to files in the 'current' folder that could not be copied/included in the patch due to an I/O exception - the value is never null - always check the list is empty to ensure the patch was complete


public static List createPatch(File currentFolder,
                               boolean recursive,
                               File oldFolder,
                               File destFolder,
                               boolean patchModifiedFiles)
Create a patch for an old set of files.
This method will compare the content of two folders and deduce which files in the 'current' set of files need to be copied into the 'old' set of files in order to bring the old set of files up-to-date.
No changes will be made to the old set of files, i.e. this method does not perform a patch, it creates a patch by copying the new or modified files into a blank 'destination' folder. The patch is created in such a way that copying the 'destination' folder over the 'old' folder will patch the old set of files and bring them up-to-date with the 'current' set of files.

This method will only recurse into sub folders if instructed to, by setting the recursive parameter to true. It will only include modified files in the patch if instructed to, by setting the patchModifiedFiles parameter to true. (The definition of 'modified' being those files whose timestamp is more recent than the old copy of the file).

This method does not throw an I/O exception. If a file cannot be copied for any reason it will be added to a list of failed files. The process then continues until all files have been checked. The list of failed files is then returned. You should check the list is empty to ensure the patch has completed successfully.

currentFolder - the root folder containing the current set of files (latest version)
recursive - indicates if the patch should include sub-folders
oldFolder - the root folder containing the old set of files
destFolder - the folder where the patch is to be created (this folder need not exist, it will automatically be created) it is recommended the folder either does not exist or is empty before this method is called
patchModifiedFiles - indicates if modified files should be included in the patch
a List of File references to files in the 'current' folder that could not be copied/included in the patch due to an I/O exception - the value is never null - always check the list is empty to ensure the patch was complete


public static List createPatch(File currentFolder,
                               boolean recursive,
                               File oldFolder,
                               File destFolder,
                               boolean patchModifiedFiles,
                               Comparator fileComparator)
Create a patch for an old set of files.
This method will compare the content of two folders and deduce which files in the 'current' set of files need to be copied into the 'old' set of files in order to bring the old set of files up-to-date.
No changes will be made to the old set of files, i.e. this method does not perform a patch, it creates a patch by copying the new or modified files into a blank 'destination' folder. The patch is created in such a way that copying the 'destination' folder over the 'old' folder will patch the old set of files and bring them up-to-date with the 'current' set of files.

This method will only recurse into sub folders if instructed to, by setting the recursive parameter to true. It will only include modified files in the patch if instructed to, by setting the patchModifiedFiles parameter to true.
Whether a file has been modified is determined by the fileComparator. If the fileComparator concludes the current file is 'greater' than the old file, then the file is considered more recent and therefore needs replacing.

This method does not throw an I/O exception. If a file cannot be copied for any reason it will be added to a list of failed files. The process then continues until all files have been checked. The list of failed files is then returned. You should check the list is empty to ensure the patch has completed successfully.

currentFolder - the root folder containing the current set of files (latest version)
recursive - indicates if the patch should include sub-folders
oldFolder - the root folder containing the old set of files
destFolder - the folder where the patch is to be created (this folder need not exist, it will automatically be created) it is recommended the folder either does not exist or is empty before this method is called
patchModifiedFiles - indicates if modified files should be included in the patch
fileComparator - the comparator used to determine which file is more recent and therefore if it needs to be patched
a List of File references to files in the 'current' folder that could not be copied/included in the patch due to an I/O exception - the value is never null - always check the list is empty to ensure the patch was complete