Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyException
net.lucidviews.util Classes in this package generally extend or enhance java.lang.* or java.util.*

Uses of PropertyException in net.lucidviews.util

Methods in net.lucidviews.util that throw PropertyException
 Boolean Properties.getBooleanProperty(String key)
          Parse a Boolean value from the property with given key.
 Boolean Properties.getBooleanProperty(String key, Boolean defaultIfMissing, Boolean defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a Boolean value from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 Class Properties.getClassProperty(String key)
          Parse a Java class from the property with given key.
 Class Properties.getClassProperty(String key, Class defaultIfMissing, Class defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a Java class from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 Class Properties.getClassProperty(String key, String basePackage)
          Parse a Java class from the property with given key.
 Class Properties.getClassProperty(String key, String basePackage, Class defaultIfMissing, Class defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a Java class from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 Color Properties.getColorProperty(String key)
          Parse a Color from the property with given key.
 Color Properties.getColorProperty(String key, Color defaultIfMissing, Color defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a Color from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 Double Properties.getDoubleProperty(String key)
          Parse a numeric, floating-point value from the property with given key.
 Double Properties.getDoubleProperty(String key, Double defaultIfMissing, Double defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a numeric, floating-point value from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 EnumValue Properties.getEnumProperty(String key, Enumeration enumeration)
          Parse an enumeration value from the property with given key.
 EnumValue Properties.getEnumProperty(String key, Enumeration enumeration, EnumValue defaultIfMissing, EnumValue defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse an enumeration value from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 File Properties.getFileProperty(File baseFolder, String key)
          Parse a file reference from the property with given key.
 File Properties.getFileProperty(File baseFolder, String key, File defaultIfMissing, File defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a file reference from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 File Properties.getFileProperty(File baseFolder, String key, String defaultIfMissing, File defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a file reference from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 File Properties.getFileProperty(String key)
          Parse a file reference from the property with given key.
 File Properties.getFileProperty(String key, File defaultIfMissing, File defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a file reference from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 File Properties.getFileProperty(String key, String defaultIfMissing, File defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a file reference from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 File Properties.getFolderProperty(File baseFolder, String key)
          Parse a folder reference from the property with given key.
 File Properties.getFolderProperty(File baseFolder, String key, File defaultIfMissing, File defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a folder reference from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 File Properties.getFolderProperty(File baseFolder, String key, String defaultIfMissing, File defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a folder reference from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 File Properties.getFolderProperty(String key)
          Parse a folder reference from the property with given key.
 File Properties.getFolderProperty(String key, File defaultIfMissing, File defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a folder reference from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 File Properties.getFolderProperty(String key, String defaultIfMissing, File defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a folder reference from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 Long Properties.getLongProperty(String key)
          Parse a numeric, integer value from the property with given key.
 Long Properties.getLongProperty(String key, Long defaultIfMissing, Long defaultIfInvalid)
          Parse a numeric, integer value from the property with given key, returning one of the default values if the property is missing or invalid.
 String Properties.getStringProperty(String key)
          Retrieve a String value from the property with given key.