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The following services are hosted on the Truplex web-site for free, public use.
Navigation with Maps.
A satellite navigation tool with simple routing functionality courtesy of Google Maps.
The app also uses the Google Places service to show nearby points of interest. A near-to-here service tailored to your actual location that will find your nearest car park, bank, train station, and more.
Play on-line games and puzzles.
All are written in JavaScript and are original to this site. The games are of various formats, from brain taxing puzzles to reflex testing games.
The DebuggeD site includes the games "Sniper Shootout" and "Magnet'r'on", as featured on wickedgoodgames.com.
Calculate time lost due to delays encountered on the road.
Given your preferred speed and the speed at which you were forced to travel, the "how much later? calculator" will compute the time you lost due to your delay.
The calculator reveals the true cost of speed restrictions against your travel schedule.
Generate phrases from telephone numbers.
This handy little tool takes a telephone number and, using the letters on a standard telephone keypad, generates the phrases that match the number.
Telephone phrases can be useful to remember telephone numbers or as a gimmick to make your telephone number memorable for others.

This site owned, designed & maintained by Stephen Battey

©1999-2014 Stephen Battey, All rights reserved