Source: maps/limbs/layout/ZShiftedLayoutStrategy.js

 * @class
 * A strategy that orders the z-index of LIMBs that are overlapping.
 * LIMBs representing markers that are closest to the map will be shown above those that are further away.
 * @constructor
 * @param {lucid.maps.limbs.layout.ZShiftedLayoutStrategyOptions} options  The options controlling the layout.
lucid.maps.limbs.layout.ZShiftedLayoutStrategy = function( options )
	lucid.maps.limbs.layout.LayoutStrategy.apply( this, [options] );

	var limbs;
	var super_ = this.createSuperReferences();
	this.layout = function( div, position, mapDetails )
		super_.layout( div, position, mapDetails );
		limbs[limbs.length] = { element: div,
		                        position: position,
		                        mapDetails: mapDetails };
	this.init = function()
		limbs = [];
	this.complete = function()
		var zIndexMin = this.getMinZIndex();
		var zIndexMax = this.getMaxZIndex();
		var zIndexRange = zIndexMax - zIndexMin;
		var zIndexDistanceRatio;
		var overlappingLimbs;
		for (var i=0; i<limbs.length; i++)
			var limb = limbs[i];
			if (limb !== null)
				// For each LIMB we're going to look for overlapping LIMBs.
				overlappingLimbs = [];
				// Remove the original LIMB from the array now.
				// Otherwise we will encounter infinite recursion when we look for LIMBs that overlap the overlapping LIMBs.
				moveLimbIntoOverlappingArray( limb, i );
				lookForOverlappingLimbs( limb );
				if (overlappingLimbs.length === 1)
					// No overlapping LIMBs. The basic position is fine.
					limb.element.css( "left", limb.position.x );
					limb.element.css( "top", limb.position.y );
					for (var j=0; j<overlappingLimbs.length; j++)
						var overlappingLimb = overlappingLimbs[j];
						overlappingLimb.element.css( "left", overlappingLimb.position.x );
						overlappingLimb.element.css( "top", overlappingLimb.position.y );
						overlappingLimb.element.css( "zIndex", computeLimbElementZIndex( overlappingLimb.distance ) );
		limbs = null;
		function lookForOverlappingLimbs( limb )
			for (var i=0; i<limbs.length; i++)
				var otherLimb = limbs[i];
				if (otherLimb !== null)
					if (isOverlappingLimb( limb.element, otherLimb.element ))
						moveLimbIntoOverlappingArray( otherLimb, i );
						lookForOverlappingLimbs( otherLimb );
		function isOverlappingLimb( limb, otherLimb )
		      var x1 = limb.offset().left;
		      var y1 = limb.offset().top;
		      var h1 = limb.outerHeight(true);
		      var w1 = limb.outerWidth(true);
		      var b1 = y1 + h1;
		      var r1 = x1 + w1;
		      var x2 = otherLimb.offset().left;
		      var y2 = otherLimb.offset().top;
		      var h2 = otherLimb.outerHeight(true);
		      var w2 = otherLimb.outerWidth(true);
		      var b2 = y2 + h2;
		      var r2 = x2 + w2;

		      if (b1 < y2 || y1 > b2 || r1 < x2 || x1 > r2) return false;
		      return true;
		function moveLimbIntoOverlappingArray( limb, limbIndex )
			limbs[limbIndex] = null;
			overlappingLimbs[overlappingLimbs.length] = limb;
		function computeZIndexDistanceRatio()
			var maxDistance = 0;
			for (var i=0; i<overlappingLimbs.length; i++)
				var limb = overlappingLimbs[i];
				limb.distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween( limb.mapDetails.viewCentre, limb.mapDetails.markerLocation );
				if (limb.distance > maxDistance)
					maxDistance = limb.distance;
			zIndexDistanceRatio = zIndexRange / maxDistance;
		function computeLimbElementZIndex( distance )
			return Math.floor( zIndexMax - (zIndexDistanceRatio * distance) );

 * @type {object}
 * @augments lucid.maps.limbs.layout.LayoutStrategyOptions
lucid.maps.limbs.layout.ZShiftedLayoutStrategyOptions = {};