What are LIMBs

LIMBs are Labels In the Map Border.

For years they have been used on paper maps to label roads as they leave the map. The labels often indicate the distance to the next town or city.

Interactive LIMBs

Maps are no longer static. Electronic maps can provide more than information. With electronic LIMBs you can also interact with features that are off the map.

This JavaScript library creates LIMBs for Google Maps that do just that.

Example of interactive LIMBs.

Getting Started

Download the script from the SourceForge website.

Then import it into your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="gmaplimbs-1.1-min.js"></script>

If you already have a Google Map that contains a google.maps.Marker then you are one line of code away from tracking the marker in the map border.

Add this line of JavaScript to create the LIMB:

var myLimb = new lucid.maps.limbs.Limb( myMarker );


1: Return to Home

A single LIMB tracks the home location in the map border. After panning away from the home location you can quickly return home by clicking the LIMB. View Example 1

2: Navigate Between Locations

Several clusters of markers are displayed on the map. You can navigate to each location by clicking on the marker. When the markers fall off the map you can click the LIMB to move directly to the distant locations. View Example 2

3: Google Places

The Google Places service is used to find places near to the centre of the map. The places are marked with icons and LIMBs are created to allow you to navigate between places that are off the map. View Example 3

Sites Using LIMBs


MapNav is a navigation webapp for mobile.

The near-to-here feature displays places in user's vicinity. LIMBs are used to indicate places outside the map view.

View the Site


miso is a company that specialises in online GIS products and services.

The "contact us" section includes a Google Map that shows the most convenient transport links. LIMBs are used to indicate the direction of the nearest train stations and motorway junctions.

View the Site


Further details about the library's API can be found in the jsdoc documentation. View the Docs