Babbitt-LA, On-line Tutorial
A. Foreword
3. Manual Combination Search
• Selecting the data-set used in this tutorial
• Determining an initial ball
• Rating a combination
• Refining a rated combination
• Selecting the data-set used in this tutorial
• Determining an initial ball
• Rating a combination
• Refining a rated combination
Navigate to the Combination Rater page.
Configure the Collation form to show the settings in the image below.

The first step is to choose an initial ball by entering it into the Matching Results form, as shown on the right.
In the text box enter the number 26.
Ensure the 'List matches found' checkbox is not checked.
We de-check the 'list matches' checkbox because in this analysis we're not particularly interested in viewing all the winning lines containing ball 26
- we only want to view the totals.
Press the Find Em button.
A new window will appear showing the stats for ball 26.
In the table entitled 'Ball number count', the ascending colour scheme highlights the most common matches for ball 26. The table shows that ball 26 most frequently appears with balls 46, 38 and 23. This result table is the basis for our initial combination ...

Navigate to the combination rater page.

To continue with our example ...
In the rating type form, select a Standard, Alternative rating system.
Enter the combination 26, 46, 38, 23 into the text boxes provided.
Press the Rate Em button.
The software compiles the results of the selected draws (draws 1 to 648) and displays a new window
with the rating results.
Scrolling down the results page to the bottom, the overview shows this combination has performed poorly.
The average rating is quite high (77.119) and the combination, if played throughout all draws, would have made you a loss of £374.
Below the overview are more highlighted count tables, as seen below. They show which balls appeared when 2 or 3 out of the 4 balls came out together in a winning line (NB: a 4 ball count is not shown because all 4 balls never came out together). Both tables show that ball 23 is the weakest in this combination. It would be wise to adjust this combination ...

Go back to the combination rater window.
Remove ball 23 and press the Rate Em button again.
The program rates the new combination with the weaker ball removed.
Scrolling down the list of winning lines, we can see these 3 balls have appeared together 4 times (winning a total of £40). Below the overview, there is a table entitled 'For 3 balls occurring, ball count'. This will tell us which balls appeared most frequently in the four draws where this combination appeared.
The table (shown below) indicates balls 28 and 39 appeared twice in those winning lottery lines.

Go back to the combination rater window.
Enter ball numbers 28 and 39 into the text boxes.
Press the Rate Em button once more.
Scrolling directly down to the overview reveals that this 5 ball combination has performed quite well.
If this combination had of been played in every lottery it would have made a profit of £1188 (assuming an average dividend of £1500 for picking 5 balls from draw 310).

This demonstrates how it is possible to use the rater to search for highly rated combinations. The main advantage of finding combinations in this manner is that you have settled on your choice of combination in a manual way. Many people will run the search algorithm and obtain the same results. By playing combinations output by the search program, you could end up sharing any prize you win with the other people who also played the combinations thrown out by the searcher.